people keep quiet because someone want to keep or respect the Colleagues relationship... keep the FUCKING mouth shut and stand up to TALK...don't made it too OVER we will really BITE u HARD HARD... think before u "BLOW" stop using ASS to "BLOW" because it was FUCKING annoying......... STOP act like a PUSSY..........
. . 所谓的"跨国企业"....... . . 原來是会"魔术"的....哈哈.... . . "髙智慧和高明"(只会利用法律漏洞)的奸商只会"千"雇员的"血汗"........继续努力加油吧!!! . . 比我想像中跟"劲"或者是我低估了.......... . . I N S P I D E # let the "SHIT" continues out!!! . .
some ASS using some "hidden" black n white playing with me around n around, nvm keep IT to GROW......................... i didn't cheat on any work of mine..........
at the end U still keep shiting on me...... last word on YOU "NAH"!!!
Coca-Coca Light the Lagerfeld way! This favorite drink of women has called upon the genius of Karl Lagerfeld to dress the Coca-Cola light aluminum bottle. The designer lends his inimitable style and his unmistakable silhouette to the chic lines of the bottle, all in a special limited-edition box, accompanied by a bottle-opener hidden in a drawer. The Coca-Cola light box by Karl Lagerfeld is the must-have of the season and is now available via colette